About Us

About Us

Solutions for Your Company

The experience accumulated by S2R2 makes us a reliable partner to successfully incorporate remote management into your shop floor or machinery manufactured by you. We are experts in identifying, parameterizing and customizing the remote management functionalities to be incorporated in each case, and together with your team of engineers we design the optimal solution for your needs.

About Our Products and Solutions

Production Monitoring System

S2R2’s Production Monitoring System helps you to increase the profitability and improve production processes.

It optimizes collection and analysis of production data, and enable you to make informed decisions regarding production processes for improving your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and increase production performance.

Remote Machine Monitoring

At S2R2 we help you increase the performance of your machinery and increase its sale and usage value by incorporating tele-management capabilities that multiply the productivity of your machines and build customer loyalty.

The tele-management of your machinery provides you with extra functionalities,
by allowing you to manage it remotely, supervise its operation, receive immediate alerts for incidents, as well as being able to compare performance between different machines. All this reinforces the value of its machinery in the market, since it 
allows its customers to improve their efficiency, reduce costs,increase their productivity, and improve their competitiveness.

Energy Monitoring System

Our IoT based Energy Monitoring System collects and organizes energy consumption information and presents it as meaningful & actionable insights. It keeps you well-informed of how much power you use, what your major loads are, when you use electric power the most, how much you pay for it, and the quality of the power you use.

Our system helps monitor and analyze energy consumption in real time, calculate energy consumption and load characteristics, optimize equipment performance, enhance production processes and maximize energy efficiency. The PathFinder EMS offers a base for developing an energy management strategy and creating an effective energy control framework to improve an enterprise’s energy efficiency and reduce its overall operating costs.


Real-time Visibility

Real-time production visibility on the shop floor


Downtime Analysis

Identify and act on the causes of downtime


Machine Monitoring

Performance evaluation of machine


Seamless Integration

Seamless integration with external systems like ERP

Our Team

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Tama Parkes


Bruce Horton


Tati Davies


Jery Barker


What Customers Think About Us?

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